Talent Talk Employer branding – Talent Relations – People & Culture

info@talenttalk.se · Tel: 08-22 66 20

In English

Talent Talk is Sweden’s leading communication and management agency within employer branding. We believe that a strong relationship with the competence market is as vital to the success of a company as is their relationship with their customers.

At Talent Talk our objective is clear. Through research, strategic planning and the use of innovative communication, we help our clients to create a strong brand name as an employer. We see working with Employer Branding as an integral part of the total brand building process. This requires us to work in close co-operation with both the human resources and marketing departments of our clients.

Properly marketing a working environment, is unlike marketing anything else. At Talent Talk, we combine our knowledge of name brand building with practical and strategic experience of HR and recruitment. This gives us a coherent understanding of competence market conditions and different target group’s needs and behaviours.

Some of our clients include: Business Sweden, Försvarsmakten (The Swedish Armed Forces), Sweco, Regeringskansliet (the Government Offices and Riksbyggen), Riksbanken (Sweden’s Central Bank) and Telge.